2022 Hong Kong Chartered Tax Adviser Conference
“Leading Tax Profession in the New Era”
Every year, the Institute convenes government officials, and experts in tax, legal, accounting, education and other professional and commercial sectors in Hong Kong and overseas to the Conference to share and discuss tax issues that are affecting the world. It is our honour to have the leaders from State Taxation Administration (国家税务总局王道树副局长), and her Shenzhen Tax Service (国家税务总局深圳市税务局郭晓林局长) and Guangzhou Tax Service (国家税务总局广州市税务局杨绪春局长) to speak for us at the coming Conference together with other prominent experts.
Last year, the Conference in hybrid mode was well received with over 620 participants in Hong Kong and overseas. This year, the Conference continues to offer a platform for exchanging the latest tax and economic development to plan and prepare for coming challenges and opportunities.
The topics covered in the Conference this year include:
• Updates and discussions about the refinements to Hong Kong’s foreign source income exemption regime for passive income;
• Roles of tax regime and polices in enhancing Hong Kong’s international competitiveness;
• Tax updates and suggestions about the Greater Bay Area development;
• Coordination and competition nature of international tax;
• From data to compliance in BEPS 2.0;
• ESG for tax governance.
Year 2022 is TIHK’s Golden Jubilee, which represents a remarkable milestone to tax profession for its half-century contribution and development in Hong Kong. The institute is planning to organise a series of events for this special occasion and the Conference is certainly one of the highlights.
**Group Registration Discount**
For group registration (on or more than 5 registrants), you will be entitled to have a group discount price at HK$800 per person.
Please contact the Secretariat at 2810 0438 or tihkadm@tihk.org.hk for registration details.
Payment by cheque: Please send a crossed cheque payable to “The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong Educational Trust”
Registration Deadline: 28th October 2022 (Friday)
Past event highlights